Does Potty Training Affect Sleep?

Many parents often ask if it’s possible for potty training to affect sleep. Yes! Yes, it does. And not just yours.

It’s important to remember that this is probably the first process your child has learned that has a distinct order and only one desirable outcome. It’s a huge milestone with lots of learning. It also requires your child to become super aware of bodily functions they previously gave no thought to. This means your child’s brain is on overdrive.

The two biggest complaints parents have are:

  1. Naps seem to be either very short or the child has trouble falling asleep. Or the exact opposite; all of a sudden, naps are crazy long.
  2. The child is waking an hour or so before the usual wake-up; which often translates as god-awful-early.

For naps, the best thing to do is start nap time earlier than you usually would. My experience is that your child is actually OVERTIRED with all the learning. Overtired in most kids looks a lot like amped up and raring to go. So don’t judge the toddler book by the cover in this case. Earlier sleep times are the solution. If your child is sleeping more than usual, especially for nap times, that’s fine.  I wouldn’t worry one bit about that particular scenario.

For those horrible early wake-ups, sorry…there’s no fix. They are most likely waking because they are now aware that they either have to pee or just did pee.  I CAN ASSURE YOU THIS PASSES and your child will go back to regular wake-ups very soon. Seriously. Here’s the deal though; you’ve just spent a few days asking your child to be aware of their bodies and the need to pee or poop. And that’s what is happening. Exactly what you want. This is downside of that awareness but again, it will soon pass.

Whether or not you are actively night training, you should really see if your child needs to pee when they awake earlier than usual. This awareness is awesome and why not capitalize on that.

Here are some sleep aids I found helpful with Pascal when he started Kindergarten. I found he came home wound-up, wiped-out. Of course, I’m not a doctor so check in with your pediatrician about any of these. All are available at Whole Paycheck or other health food stores.

-Chamomile tincture- There is a kid’s version and I found a few drops to be more effective than tea.

-Rescue Remedy- A Bach flower remed that generally calms the system.

-Calms Forte for Kids- Homeopathic remedy for restless sleep and night terrors. I have found it helpful in getting to sleep as well.

Understand that this is a huge milestone and little bodies may go haywire for a bit. It’s normal and it will pass.

These articles are meant for your average questions and bumps in the road. If you are truly struggling, please contact one of our certified experts to help you through and give you a personalized plan.