Oh Crap! Peeing Solutions

 The Oh Crap! Peeing Solutions Course is your ultimate guide to solving any and all peeing issues your little one is experiencing.

Created by industry leader and best selling author Jamie Glowacki, Peeing Solutions is the only course you'll need to solve your kiddo's pee withholding issues and get your child set up for potty success. 

In this course, Jamie gives a clear, step by step plan to help your child through the withholding to releasing with ease. If you’ve been crying over pee or staying up all night with worry, she's got you.

Once withholding starts, the pelvic floor starts “pulling” and this often means that pee withholding is most often in conjunction with (or even caused by)poop withholding. The pelvic floor is like an elastic and you can often have a chicken or the egg situation. Many parents don’t realize because the child is pooping in a night or diaper but not on the potty (this is a version of withholding). 


🔘 6 lessons guided by Jamie Glowacki that cover everything about pee withholding

🔘 Helpful notes for each lesson

$49.00 USD