$97.00 USD

Every month

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The Oh Crap! Poop & Pee Group

 The Oh Crap! Poop Group is only for Pooping Solution Course and/or Peeing Solutions Course purchasers.

If you have gone through Pooping/Peeing Solutions and find that you:
  • have questions about your unique circumstances and want Jamie's opinion and recommendations,

  • still can't figure out how to help your child,

  • need/want more personalized support

then the Oh Crap! Poop & Pee Group is for you. Join likeminded parents who are navigating the crappy poop & pee struggles as you and get personalized support from Jamie and her team.

Here's what you'll get:

  •  Monthly LIVE group calls with Jamie to ask any and all questions

  • Access to Jamie to ask any and all POOP/PEE questions via posts (not specifically potty training - this is for issues like withholding)

  • A pooping/peeing solutions-centered community

  • You can connect and share with other parents going through the same thing. One of the tragic things about pooping/peeing issues is it can feel so lonely when none of your friends fully understand what’s going on.

This group functions like a Facebook group, but it's on Jamie's private platform, free from the nonsense and noise of social media. 

While this group is not private 1:1 support, you will receive personalized support to make sure you get the answers you need to get your child on track. 

** There is no minimum commitment to the monthly membership - join and stay for as long as you need to. Cancel whenever.